It allows to check the drafts of the operating schemes on paper to get to the final solution.
Analytical verification of loads, phases and components.
It allows to check the drafts of the operating schemes on paper to get to the final solution.
Analytical verification of loads, phases and components.
IDEA S.r.l. partecipa al POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse I Attività 1.2.2 - Bando a sostegno dei Progetti Complessi di Ricerca e Sviluppo con il progetto: Sviluppo di un’unità meccatronica compatta per sistemi di attuazione industriale Smart Motor and Driver per sistemi di attuazione industriale (SMART MOOD)”
IDEA S.r.l. participates in the POR FESR 2014-2020 Axis I Activity 1.2.2 - Call in support of the Complex Research and Development Projects with the project: Development of a compact mechatronic unit for industrial actuation systems Smart Motor and Driver for industrial actuation systems ( SMART MOOD)"
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